November 17, 2017
9 Min. Read

Employee engagement is often a bit of a “white whale” for managers. Every manager wants their workers to be engaged, happy, and satisfied – but it’s often incredibly difficult to get employees to engage properly with your company.
According to Gallup, only 32% of the American workforce is engaged. This means the majority are at least somewhat disengaged, which leads to dissatisfaction, higher turnover rates, and poor job performance.
If you’re in human resources management, and you’re looking for easy ways to boost employee engagement, you’re in the right place. We’ll take a look at a few ways that your business can engage with employees – and outline the steps you can take to boost employee engagement.
1. Set goals for your employees–and celebrate their achievements.
If your employees don’t have goals, they can never achieve anything! Makes sense, right? In order to get a sense of satisfaction and engagement on a project, your employees must have clear goals!
Companies need to give employees clear, project-based goals. This helps employees stay on track when working on a project – and gives them a “focus” which can help them engage more effectively with your company.
But just having a goal isn’t enough. Once an employee achieves a goal, they should be rewarded in some way. This is very important – for employees to engage more effectively with your company, they must feel appreciated.
Rewards don’t necessarily have to be flashy or expensive. Even just giving a worker, the afternoon off after a big project has been completed goes a long way. As long as you take the time to thank and recognize an employee for their contributions, you’re sure to boost employee engagement!
So think about how you can set more clear goals in your company, and reward employees accordingly.
2. Give your employees a clear path for career growth.
One of the biggest reasons that talented workers become bored and disengaged with your company is that they have no clear path forward. If you want to encourage engagement and the development of employee skills, you must provide each worker with a clear, obvious path for career growth.
If your employees feel like they’re just floundering in their current position, and have no path to advance their career, they’re more likely to be dissatisfied. This leads to poor job performance, and may result in that employee leaving your company.
This is why it’s a good idea to outline career paths during corporate training. Emphasize what workers can expect in terms of interactive training and career advancement.
If workers have a clear career goal that they are working towards – and they’re undergoing the proper training to achieve that goal – they are much more likely to be engaged with your company.
3. Invest In learning and development.
The future of training and learning is interactive. That’s why we at Schoox believe in the power of eLearning as a tool for employee development. For employee engagement, we think it’s absolutely essential that companies invest in training.
When your company invests in learning and development, you invest in your employees. By making training resources available to your employees, you show them that they are valued – and that you are dedicated to helping them perform their jobs more effectively.
If you can provide employees with educational resources related to leadership, career advancement, and becoming a more effective worker, they are more likely to become engaged – and feel like your company truly has a stake in their future success.
4. Create a dialogue with employees.
Don’t know how to engage with your employees more effectively? Here’s a revolutionary concept: ask them!
Seriously. Your employees know best when it comes to engagement. If you feel that your company is not doing an adequate job at engaging with employees, do your best to create a dialogue with employees.
Whether you’re a manager, or you’re in human resources, asking employees about engagement can provide you with some valuable insights that will help you boost engagement levels – and make your company a better place to work.
5. Invest in your employees. Boost engagement. Succeed!
Employee engagement is oft-underlooked – but incredibly important. So don’t let disengaged, unfocused employees hold you back. By following the advice in this article, you’re sure to be able to boost employee engagement, manage your employees more effectively, and create a more positive, employee-focused corporate environment.